Francine made My Buckwheat Crepes to make it easy to prepare a tasty Breton diner. To do so, simply combine the prepared buckwheat crepes with a little water. In just a few minutes, you'll have a creamy dough for well-browned buckwheat crepes.

Francine French Buckwheat Crepes Ready Mix 440g

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Francine made My Buckwheat Crepes to make it easy to prepare a tasty Breton diner. To do so, simply combine the prepared buckwheat crepes with a little water. In just a few minutes, you'll have a creamy dough for well-browned buckwheat crepes.

Cooking is simplified when you use Francine.

Directions: 1 bag of My Francine buckwheat Crepes preparation and 50cl of cold water (1/2L)

Pour the contents of a sachet over the water in a salad bowl while stirring with a whip.
Mix. There's no need to let the dough rise!
Place the dough in a hot, lightly oiled frying pan.
Return the crepe after it has been cooked. I let the other face get brown.
Place the filling (egg, bacon, cheese, etc.) in the crepe as it warms.

It's done! Bon Appetit!