Embark on an engaging adventure with Fanny as she visits the hairdresser for her first-ever haircut. Relate to her journey, answer fun questions, and challenge yourself with intriguing riddles, all while enjoying the addition of over 50 vibrant stickers.
Have you had your first hair-cutting experience? Dive into Fanny's story, and join the excitement of this milestone moment. Along the way, you'll find delightful coloring pages to bring to life and a personalized diploma to complete, signifying your own 'first haircut' experience.
Our interactive story is not just about narrating Fanny's first haircut; it's an interactive journey, a memory creator and a fun-filled activity book, encouraging creativity, problem-solving, and personal growth. Join Fanny's first haircut adventure and enrich your own experience with our vivid stickers and engaging activities.
Great for young readers, parents, and educators looking to combine fun with learning, this tale of Fanny's first haircut is a journey you won't want to miss.
32 pages
ISBN: 9781445485218